Single-Ended Forward-Flybaсk Stabilized DC-DC Voltage Converter. Part. 1: Converter’s Power Stage
The article addresses the development of a single-ended single-transistor forward-flyback DC voltage converter. The classification of single-ended DC voltage converters is given, and their basic advantages and drawbacks are listed. In the first part, a new power stage structure of the converter being developed is proposed, which makes it possible to exclude pulsed overvoltages without power-dissipating protective RCD circuits caused by the transformer winding leakage inductance. The operation principle of the new power stage structure is described. The requirements posed to the magnetic cores of transformers for the new structure are described. The proposed scheme was investigated using computer simulation in the PSpice software. The computer model and time curves of the processes confirming the operability of the scheme are presented. The results of studying the effect the coupling coefficient between the transformer windings has on the overvoltage and cross instability are presented. The proposed power part structure of the forward-flyback DC voltage converter makes it possible to obtain a higher power output compared with the known single-ended forward-flyback power stages; it retains the operability in a wide variation range of the coupling coefficient between the transformer windings and provides high efficiency.
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