Updating the Specific Electrical Loads of Apartment Buildings in Moscow and Moscow Region

  • Yuriy I. SOLUYANOV
  • Alexandr I. FEDOTOV
  • Natal'ya V. CHERNOVA
  • Vladimir I. SOLUYANOV
Keywords: specific electrical load, power consumption, apartment buildings, standard values, urban agglomeration


The specific electrical loads of apartment buildings serve as the basis for selecting the electrical networks and electrical substations of power supply systems for urban microdistricts. At the same time, the experience gained from operation of the electrical equipment selected according to the design load shows a low load factor of substation transformers. The reason of such situation is that the standardized values of specific power consumption regulated by the Code of Practice SP 256.1325800.2016 [1] are not consistent with the actual load. Their adjustment at the regional level (within the framework of the Moscow Housing Renovation Program) made it possible to improve the situation, but this change is not fundamental in nature. During 2021–2022, specialists of the Roselektromontazh Association continuously monitored the electricity consumption by apartment buildings in Moscow and Moscow region. Based on statistical processing of the obtained results, a proposal to combine them into a single agglomeration in standardizing specific electrical loads is substantiated. The power consumption by residential buildings of various storeys has been studied, and trends characterizing the dependence of electric load values on the number of apartments have been constructed. Proposals to amend the relevant federal regulations have been introduced.

Author Biographies


(Association «Roselectromontazh», Moscow, Russia) – President, Dr. Sci. (Eng.).

Alexandr I. FEDOTOV

(Kazan State Power Engineering University, Kazan, Russia) – Professor of the Power Plants n.a. V.K. Shibanov Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor.


(Kazan State Power Engineering University, Kazan, Russia) – Docent of the Power Engineering Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.).

Natal'ya V. CHERNOVA

(Association «Roselectromontazh», Moscow, Russia) – Leading Researcher, Cand. Sci. (Eng.).


(JSC "Tatelektromontazh", Kazan; Association «Roselectromontazh», Moscow, Russia) – Chief Engineer of the 2nd Kazan Installation Dept.; Senior Researcher.


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