Mathematical and Physical Modeling of a Low-Pass Filter Based on a Multifunctional Integrated Electromagnetic Component

  • Regina T. HAZIEVA
  • Maksim D. IVANOV
Keywords: multifunctional integrated electromagnetic component, low-pass filter, LC-filter, amplitude-frequency response, phase-frequency response, two-port circuit, DC voltage converter


The possibility of using a multifunctional integrated electromagnetic component (MIEC) as an LC-filter is considered. Mathematical and physical modeling of an MIEC-based low-pass filter (LPF) for DC voltage converters is performed. MIEC-based filters feature improved weight and size characteristics in comparison with filters made on discrete electromagnetic components. For calculating the MIEC parameters, an approach based on the quadrupole theory is used. Expressions for the A-parameters have been obtained. To this end, the equivalent integral parameters of the equivalent circuit of a single-section MIEC were used with taking into account the mutual inductance of the component’s conducting plates. The amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency responses of the MIEC-based low-pass filter based are constructed. Computer simulation of the filter in the Matlab Simulink environment was carried out, the results of which have confirmed validity of the obtained analytical expressions. It has been determined that the use of an MIEC-based low-pass filter decreases the amplitude of high-frequency pulsations that occur during the operation of semiconductor switches. The voltage waveforms obtained in the course of a physical experiment confirm the adequacy of the obtained dependencies and expressions.

Author Biographies


(Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Ufa, Russia) – Docent of the Electrical Engineering and Electrical Equipment of Enterprises Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Docent

Maksim D. IVANOV

(Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Ufa, Russia) – Engineer of the Electrical Engineering and Electrical Equipment of Enterprises Dept


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The research was carried out at the expense of the grant of the Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation in 2022-2024 for young scientists and postgraduates engaged in promising research and development in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy. Grantee Khazieva Regina Tagirovna. The research topic is "Development and research of a filter-compensating device to improve the quality of electricity".