Overvoltage Protection of Submersible Oil Production Electrical Installations

  • Valeriy G. GOL'DSHTEYN
  • Nikolay F. DZHAGAROV
  • Vladimir S. ROMANOV
Keywords: submersible electrical installations, overvoltage protection, oil production power supply, overvoltage limiters, defects, failures, descending depth, heat resistance, oil underproduction, damages, resources


The article discusses the results of studies aimed at ensuring reliable power supply and improving the energy efficiency of oil production equipment electrical installations. The operational data on failures of submersible electrical equipment and organizational and technical measures to improve its reliability and energy efficiency are analyzed. The classification of factors causing abnormalities and failures of power cables and electric motors is presented and analyzed. Among numerous hazardous operational factors causing an essential reduction in the service life of submersible electrical equipment, electromagnetic impacts in the form of external and internal overvoltages are singled out. Possible options for protection against overvoltages arising during the operation of electric centrifugal oil production pumps are estimated and compared with one another. The specific features and configuration of a power supply system for submersible electrical equipment via cable transmission lines with polymeric insulation, and application of overvoltage protection based on the use and taking into account the features of nonlinear zinc oxide overvoltage limiters in the oil production power supply systems are considered.

Author Biographies


(Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia) – Professor of the Automated Electric Power Systems Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor


(Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy, Varna, Bulgaria) – Professor of the Electrical Engineering Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor

Vladimir S. ROMANOV

(LLC SamaraNIPIneft, Samara; Togliatti State University; Togliatti, Russia) – Senior Researcher of the Standard Design and Standardization Dept.;  Docent of the Power Supply and Electrical Engineering Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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