About the Influence of Electron-hole Recombination and Partial Discharges on the Durability of Polymer Dielectrics in an Alternating Electric Field
Electron-hole recombination, which occurs in polymer dielectrics in strong electric fields, and weak partial discharges in these materials are considered as possible additional factors that accelerate the aging process of polymers in an alternating electric field compared to a constant one. The effect of these factors on the rate of formation of defects (ruptures of macromolecules) is estimated. It is shown that in polymer dielectric films at a concentration of micropores of 104-105 cm-3 and intensity of partial discharges of ~ 0.01 pC, the main factor determining the decrease in electrical durability in an alternating electric field should be considered the processes of electron-hole recombination, leading to the breaking of bonds in excited macromolecules, and not erosion of the polymer as a result of partial discharges. Assuming that breakdown occurs when a critical concentration of defects that arise in a polymer dielectric due to electron-hole recombination is reached, a relation is obtained for calculating the field dependence of durability at an alternating voltage. It is shown that the calculation results are consistent with the known experimental data.
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