Development and Study of a Three-Region Vector Control System for a High-Speed Asynchronous Spindle

  • Alexandr A. ALEKSEEV
  • Vladimir V. TYUTIKOV
Keywords: electric drive, control system, induction motor, vector control, spindle, high-speed machining


One of the main requirements for electric drives of high-speed spindles in metalworking machines is a possibility to operate in a wide range of speeds with minimum acceleration and deceleration times in order to increase the work productivity. Conventional two-region electric drive control systems that distinguish between constant torque and constant power zones are not always able to meet these requirements in a comprehensive manner. The article describes the development of the main motion drive control system based on an induction motor with distinguishing of the third speed control region - a constant slip region (decreasing power), which makes it possible to operate with the maximum torque in a wide speed range. A methodology for determining the boundaries of the regions and control laws is proposed, which is based on a priori information about the drive and motor’s equivalent circuit parameters. The results of simulation and experiments carried out on the Fanuc spindle induction motor for a rated capacity of 15 kW and maximum speed of 15000 rpm show high effectiveness of the developed control system. By using the proposed control system of a high-speed spindle drive, the required accuracy in the high-speed machining mode is obtained along with increasing the productivity of metalworking machines.

Author Biographies

Alexandr A. ALEKSEEV

(Ivanovo State Power Engineering University n. a. V.I. Lenin, Ivanovo, Russia) – Postgraduate Student of the Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Installations Dept.


(Ivanovo State Power Engineering University n. a. V.I. Lenin, Ivanovo, Russia) –Senior Researcher, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)

Vladimir V. TYUTIKOV

(Ivanovo State Power Engineering University n. a. V.I. Lenin, Ivanovo, Russia) – Head of the Electronics and Microprocessor Systems Dept., Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Dr. Sci.(Eng.), Professor.


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