Production of Modern Insulation Materials for Electric Machines
The article addresses matters concerned with the production of electrical insulation materials, mainly for electric machines. The information is presented in the form of a dialogue between Alexander Pavlovich Birzhin, who is General Director of JSC Elektroizolit and Professor Sergey Vladimirovich Serebryannikov, who is a member of the Elektrichestvo journal Editorial Board. The JSC Elektroizolit enterprise, which celebrates the 85’s anniversary since the time of its establishing and start of producing electrical insulation materials, is one of the backbone plants in the field of electrical insulation materials, specializing in laminated plastics, lacquers, resins, varnished fabrics, etc. [1]. Matters relating to the development of the industry in Russia, including those under the modern conditions, are considered. The raw material possibilities for the production of electrical insulation materials are evaluated, the main lines and objectives in the production of new such materials are shown. Matters concerned with training the personnel for the industry and its interaction with scientific and educational organizations are also addressed. In conclusion, extended information about JSC Elektroizolit and its history is given.
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