Evaluating the Number of 110 kV Power Line Lightning Outages

  • Sergey L. SHISHIGIN
  • Dmitriy S. SHISHIGIN
  • Ivan N. SMIRNOV
Keywords: overhead line, lightning, back flashover, lightning outage, operating voltage, lightning strike at the line tower, lightning strike at the overhead grounding wire


The number of lightning outages is the main indicator of the overhead line lightning resistance, which is determined at the design stage by modeling surge processes and surge overvoltages in overhead lines during lightning strikes. Back flashover, which evolves into a short circuit at power frequency, is the main factor causing the tripping of 110 kV overhead lines. The article addresses more accurate evaluation of the number of lightning outages, in which the back flashover probability is evaluated using the dangerous current curve, and the overhead line surge overvoltages are calculated using the theory of grounding conductors. The problem of selecting the wire operating voltage at the lightning strike moment is solved, and its refined value is proposed. The problem of selecting the places of calculated lightning strike points is considered. It is shown that the methodology set out in the IEEE and CIGRE standards, which assumes that the lightning strikes only at the line tower top, and the influence of overhead ground wire is taken into account by a correction factor, is insufficiently accurate. The Russian regulatory document RD 153-34.3-35.125-99 considers a lightning strike at two points: a tower and the overhead ground wire at the span middle; however, the distribution of strikes is determined incorrectly. A new distribution pattern of lightning strikes at the tower and overhead ground wire at a span quarter distance is proposed. Evaluations of the number of 110 kV overhead line lightning outages have been performed. The article also shows the possibility of designing overhead lines with a specified number of lightning outages in areas with high-resistance soil with using a set of lightning protection facilities, including a second overhead ground wire under the overhead line phase wires and grounding counterweights.

Author Biographies


(Vologda State University, Vologda, Russia) – Professor of the Control and Computing Systems Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Docent.


(Vologda State University, Vologda, Russia) – Docent of the Control and Computing Systems Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.).


(Vologda State University, Vologda, Russia) – Postgraduate Student of the Control and Computing Systems Dept.


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