On Mutual Inductance between Two Round Coaxial Turns

  • Vladimir N. OSTREYKO
Keywords: round coaxial coils, plane-meridian and plane-parallel magnetic fields, mutual inductance


The material is a response to two articles by G.N. Tsitsikyan "On the coefficients of mutual induction and the forces of interaction of circular coaxial circuits" and "Determination of the radial forces acting between coaxial turns located in the same plane", published in the Electrichestvo journal [1, 2]. The importance of using simple approximate formulas and calculation algorithms for the development of devices is substantiated, allowing the designer to quickly evaluate the values of the parameters of interest. This fully applies to intrinsic and mutual inductances, that are not only of independent technical significance, but also allow evaluating the corresponding magnetic forces by differentiation [1, 2]. To solve the problem under consideration, the method of refined approximation of the plane-meridian magnetic field of a round current-carrying coil is used by a similar plane-parallel field of two rectilinear conductors with oppositely directed currents. In comparison with [1, 2], a radically simplified expression for the mutual inductance between coaxial turns has been obtained, which has an accuracy acceptable for practical use, which is confirmed by a calculation example.

Author Biography

Vladimir N. OSTREYKO

(CJSC “Plant of Electrical Equipment”, Velikiye Luki, Pskov region, Russia) – Deputy General Designer for Scientific and Technical Developments and Publications, Cand. Sci. (Eng.).


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