Engineering Feasibility Studies and Designing of Energy Systems Based on Renewable Energy Sources for Difficult Natural and Climatic Conditions

  • Viktor V. ELISTRATOV
Keywords: renewable energy sources, wind-diesel power plant, intelligent control, wind energy resources, energy and economic efficiency, adaptation to the conditions of the north, modular foundation, digital design


The article analyzes the long-term experience gained at the Scientific and Educational Center "Renewable Energy Sources" (SEC "RES") of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University in scientific, technical and regime justification, design and construction of hybrid energy systems on the basis of renewable energy sources. The team of SEC “RES” specialists headed by the author has developed a hierarchically subordinate and functionally integrated methodology for optimal parametric and regime substantiation of the parameters of power supply systems for isolated consumers for northern and arctic territories, converting, storage equipment, control systems for energy systems of medium power capacity. The methodology developed is aimed at using fossil and renewable energy sources in power supply systems based on system efficiency and maximizing the replacement of fossil fuels. The features of assessment and forecasting of renewable energy resources at the energy system location places under the conditions of limited meteorological and natural-climatic information are considered and studied in detail. The principles of design and construction of wind farms are proposed and justified taking into account adaptation measures for arctic conditions, transport and logistics problems of delivery and installation of equipment. A methodology has been developed for assessing the efficiency and investment attractiveness of energy system projects based on systemic effects and integrated criteria with taking into account the legal and economic environment of construction regions.

Author Biography


(Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Professor of Higher School of Hidraulic and Power Engineering., Director of the Scientific and Educational Center "Renewable Energy Sources", Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor.


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2. Елистратов В.В. Энергоснабжение в Арктике с использованием ВИЭ. – Neftegas.Ru, 2023, № 1(133), с. 74–79.
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