High-Frequency Pulsed Induction Hardening of Steel Workpieces
In the late 20th century, a number of studies were carried out, which made it possible to develop high-frequency pulsed induction surface hardening systems. Such systems showed advantages over high-frequency induction surface hardening by means of a sinusoidal alternating electromagnetic field. However, the pulsed technology was implemented for hardened surfaces of a small size (up to a few tens of cm2). The results of the study presented in the article taken in combination with the capabilities of modern high-frequency generators with an output power of up to 3 MW make it possible to increase the hardened layer area to several hundred cm2. The article presents nomographic charts for deriving approximate values of the parameters of high-frequency pulsed hardening of steel workpiece surfaces. The possibilities of using these nomographic charts for stating 2D simulation problems are shown. The results of calculating the hardening process parameters on a 2D model are obtained. By using the nomographic charts, the input data for this model were formed, and the high-frequency pulsed hardening modes were determined as applied to infinitely long inductor-workpiece systems, as well as for finite-size systems. A comparison of the numerical study results with the experimental data has shown their good agreement with each other.
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