The Genesis of Electrical Engineering Education in Russia (to the 150th Anniversary of Establishment of the Mine Officer Class and the Baltic Fleet Mine School in Kronstadt)

  • Pavel A. BUTYRIN
Keywords: genesis of electrical engineering education, electrical engineering school, mine officer class, technical galvanic institution


The history of establishment and development of electrical engineering education in Russia is considered. The role of the military department and the mine-explosive and telegraph affairs in these processes is noted. The role of the Technical Galvanic Institution (Military Electrical Engineering School) in the making of electrical engineering education in Russia is specially discussed. The main attention is paid to the establishment and operation of the Mine Officer Class – "the oldest propagator of electrical engineering knowledge in Russia." An extraordinary high scientific and cultural level of persons involved in the Mine Officer Class is pointed out. Some of its outstanding graduates are the President of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich, Chairman of the 6th (Electrical Department) of the Imperial Russian Electrical Engineering Society and the Editor of the journal Elektrichestvo (Electrical Technology) A.I. Smirnov, and almost two dozen naval commanders with admiral ranks. The outstanding scientist A.S. Popov taught in this class for 18 years, the humanist writer V.E. Korolenko worked in it, and the great D.I. Mendeleev took part in the establishment of his laboratory. The evolution of teaching electrical engineering disciplines in this class is considered, which reflects the achievements in the world’s electrical engineering. Considerable attention is paid to the social composition of the students of the galvanic institution and the Mine Officer Class, and its influence on the fate of these institutions in the post-revolutionary years.

Author Biography


(National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", Moscow, Russia) – Professor of the Theoretical Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Dept., Corresponding Member of RAS, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor


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From the history of electrical engineering