Investigation of Magnetic Flux Pulsations in the Aircraft Generator Having a Solid Rotor with Laminated Shroud
The maximum power capacity of aircraft generators is constantly increasing and reaches hundreds of kVA; their mass and dimensions grow accordingly. To reduce them, the generators are designed for maximum rotational speeds of 16000 rpm or higher. The active zones are laminated, and the solid shaft provides the minimum permissible rotor sag. The rotor and shaft diameters limit the space for placing the field windings, so the generators are made with a small operating clearance. In the case of using a laminated rotor, the rotor surface losses caused by magnetic flux pulsations are not high. Magnetic flux pulsations prevent the use of aircraft generators with a solid rotor, which has a higher mechanical strength than a laminated rotor. The use of laminated shroud made of gradient material makes it possible to reduce these pulsations, which give rise to surface losses in a solid rotor. The article presents the results obtained from studying the effect of shroud on the magnitude of magnetic flux pulsations caused by tooth harmonics and armature current higher harmonic components. The use of quite thin laminated shroud makes it possible to reduce or even eliminate these pulsations. The use of a solid rotor with laminated shroud will open the possibility to increase the generator’s maximum power capacity.
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