The High-Voltage Pulse Generator Based on a Cascade Frequency Converter

  • Danila D. GOLOVENKO
  • Il'ya V. SOROKIN
  • Valeriy A. LAVRINOVICH
  • Igor' V. BELOUSOV
Keywords: high-voltage pulse generator, generator with a pulse transformer, Arkadiev–Baklin–Marx generator, Fitch–Howell spiral generator, cascade frequency converter


A generator of high-voltage pulses based on a cascade frequency converter has been developed. The generator is designed to test the electrical insulation pulse strength of the windings of electric machines powered by frequency converters. During the development, the generator operation was simulated in the SimInTech software environment. The most well-known generator circuits were analyzed. The developed generator circuit is modeled by the circuit engineering method in various operation modes. It has been shown that in terms of its output parameters (the shape of voltage pulses, their amplitude, front and fall, duration and frequency of pulse repetition), the generator is completely equivalent to frequency converters with pulse width modulation. The proposed generator circuit makes it possible to perform life-time insulation tests and insulation tests with maximum voltage by single pulses. The generator’s main technical characteristics are as follows: unipolar pulses with an amplitude of up to 6 kV or bipolar pulses with a peak-to-peak amplitude of up to 12 kV with a smooth amplitude adjustment step, the duration of voltage pulses from 20 to 1000 μs with an adjustable front duration from minimum to 50 μs, pulse repetition frequency from single to 1 kHz, the generator rated full power up to 50 kVA.

Author Biographies


(FSUE “Krylov State Research Centre”, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Engineer of the Advanced Development Dept.


(FSUE “Krylov State Research Centre”, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Head of Sector of the Advanced Development Dept.


(FSUE “Krylov State Research Centre”, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Chief Constructor of Ice-Class Vessels, Dr. Sci (Eng.), Professor.


(FSUE “Krylov State Research Centre”, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Lead of Engineer of the Advanced Development Dept.


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Авторы выражают благодарность генеральному директору ФГУП «Крыловский государственный научный центр» Олегу Владиславовичу Савченко за проявленный интерес к работе и финансовую помощь
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The authors express their gratitude to Oleg Vladislavovich Savchenko, General Director of FSUE Krylov State Research Center, for financial support and interest in the work