Magnetic Field of a Permanent Magnet with Surface Relief

  • Maksim A. PYATAKOV
  • Mihail L. AKIMOV
  • Pyotr A. POLYAKOV
Keywords: permanent magnets in electrical engineering, permanent film magnets, magnetic field, magnetostatics


The aim of this study is to find a new method for amplifying the magnetic field generated by a permanent film magnetic material. The objective is to propose a method that would be simple enough to be applied in practice and would make it possible to achieve a more efficient use of thin film magnetic materials in various fields of electrical engineering, electronics, spintronics, magnonics, and physics (e.g., to increase the interaction force between permanent magnets on the stator and current coils of the armature of microelectric motors or generators. The problem is important, because such materials are used in many fields of science and technology, where miniaturization is necessary, for example, in magnetic field sensors, spintronics devices, spin valves (so-called sensors based on the effect of giant magnetoresistance), magnonics devices, new generation information storage devices; however, along with advantages, they have some disadvantages. The article suggests a method for generating a rather strong magnetic field by a homogeneously magnetized micromagnetic film. To do so, a spatial relief having a certain period is created on the film surface. Using the method of magnetic charges, an analytical solution of the magnetostatics problem for a sinusoidal relief is obtained.

Author Biographies


(M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia) – Postgraduate Student of the General Physics Dept., Faculty of Physics.

Mihail L. AKIMOV

(M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia) – Senior Lecturer of the General Physics Dept., Faculty of Physics, Cand. Sci. (Phis.-Math.).


(M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia) – Professor of the General Physics Dept., Faculty of Physics, Dr. Sci. (Phis.-Math.), Professor.


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Работа поддержана Фондом развития теоретической физики и математики «БАЗИС»
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The work was supported by the Foundation for the Development of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics "BASIS"