The Coupling Coefficient of Disk Coils for Contactless Power Transfer

  • Georgiy N. TSITSIKYAN
  • Mikhail Yu. ANTIPOV
  • Vladislav V. GRIGOR'EV
Keywords: contactless power transfer, coupling coefficient, disk coil, square coil, mutual inductance, rectangular turns


The coupling coefficient is a key characteristic of contactless power transfer, inductive coupling being one of its forms, and serves as a measure of its effectiveness. Matters concerned with studying the effect the coil geometry has on the coupling coefficient assessment are considered. An expression for the coupling coefficient of disk coils and coils of a rectangular cross-section is obtained, and relevant comparisons are given. The geometry of matched rectangular coils is considered, by which the mutual induction coefficient is determined for middle turns with subsequent assessment of the mutual inductance of coils as a whole. It has been found that the real coil geometry may have an essential influence on the coupling coefficient assessment in comparison with that for a coil with idealized turns.

Author Biographies


(Branch "Central Research Institute of Marine Electrical Engineering and Technology", FSUE "Krylovsky State Scientific Center", St. Petersburg, Russia) – Head of the Sector, Deputy Head of the Electric Power Systems Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor.

Mikhail Yu. ANTIPOV

Branch "Central Research Institute of Marine Electrical Engineering and Technology", FSUE "Krylovsky State Scientific Center", St. Petersburg, Russia) – Lead Engineer of the Electric Power Systems Dept.

Vladislav V. GRIGOR'EV

Branch "Central Research Institute of Marine Electrical Engineering and Technology", FSUE "Krylovsky State Scientific Center", St. Petersburg, Russia) – Head of Sector of the Electric Power Systems Dept.


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