Topological Algorithms for Analyzing and Synthesizing Electric Power System Load Flow Modes

  • Dauren S. AHMETBAEV
  • Abdygali R. DZHANDİGULOV
  • Arman D. AHMETBAEV
Keywords: electric power system, topology, graph theory, matrix of current distribution coefficients, compensating devices, OLTC operating taps


The article addresses the development of the topological method for producing the load flow mode parameters of a complex electric power system grid proceeding from the theory of directed graphs. The obtained exact solution from zero iteration of the equations of nodal voltages with using the matrix of distribution coefficients is the basis for the development of algorithms for analyzing and synthesizing the electric power system load flow modes. The topological algorithms for determining the load flow parameters are developed proceeding from analytical expressions for the distribution coefficients obtained on the basis of all possible and specific trees of the complex power system grid’s directional graph. The load flow topological algorithms make it possible to determine the necessary capacities of modern FACTS devices and OLTC tap positions at which the desired voltage level is ensured on the transformer secondary winding busbars from the viewpoint of synthesizing load flow modes in terms of voltage.

Author Biographies


(Eurasian National University n.a. L.N. Gumilyov, Astana, Republic of Kazakh-stan) – Associate Professor of the Electric Power Engineering Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Docent.


(Eurasian National University n.a. L.N. Gumilyov, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan) –Professor of the Algebra and Geometry Dept., Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Docent.


(Telecommunication Company, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan) –Chief Power Engineer.


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