AC Arc Reactor for Carbide Synthesis
The paper presents the results of experimental studies devoted to the design and approbation of an atmospheric AC arc reactor for the synthesis of oxygen-free ceramics. For the first time the design of the AC arc reactor and the method of operation allowing to realize the synthesis of non-oxide ceramics under alternating current arcing in the open-air medium have been developed. The formation of an autonomous gas environment based on carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide gases, which prevents the oxidation of synthesis products during the thermal effect of the alternating current arc on the charge, has been experimentally proved. Operating parameters of the arc reactor from the point of view of solving the problem in the field of synthesis of metal and nonmetal carbides have been determined. In contrast to the previously realized designs of vacuumless DC arc reactors, the created reactor is characterized by a reduced consumption of electrodes, a simpler design of the power discharge circuit and lower cost. Approbation of the created arc reactor and vacuum-free technique is demonstrated on the example of synthesis of crystalline phase of silicon carbide under the influence of AC arc discharge on a mixture of silicon and carbon powders in an open-air environment.
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21. Xing G., Jia S.-l., Shi Z.-q. The Production of Carbon Nano-Materials by Arc Discharge under Water or Liquid Nitrogen. – New Carbon Materials, 2007, vol. 22(4), pp. 337–341, DOI:10.1016/S1872-5805(08)60005-0.
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23. Arora N., Sharma N.N. Arc Discharge Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes: Comprehensive Review. – Diamond and Related Materials, 2014, vol. 50, pp. 135–150, DOI:10.1016/j.diamond.2014.10.001.
24. Zhao J. et al. Arc Synthesis of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Low Pressure Air and Their Superior Field Emission Properties. – Carbon, 2013, vol. 58, pp. 92–98.
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27. Pak A.Y. et al. Machine Learning-Driven Synthesis of TiZrNbHfTaC5 High-Entropy Carbide. – npj Computational Materials, 2023, vol. 9(1), DOI:10.1038/s41524-022-00955-9.
28. Zhao J. et al. Continuous and Low-Cost Synthesis of High-Quality Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Arc Discharge in Air. – Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2012, vol. 44(7-8), pp. 1639–1643, DOI:10.1016/j.physe.2012.04.010.
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31. Levchenko I. et al. The Large-Scale Production of Graphene Flakes Using Magnetically-Enhanced Arc Discharge between Carbon Electrodes. – Carbon, 2010, vol. 48(15), pp. 4570–4574, DOI:10.1016/j.carbon.2010.07.055.
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33. Yeh Y.W., Raitses Y., Yao N. Structural Variations of the Cathode Deposit in the Carbon Arc. – Carbon, 2016, vol. 105, pp. 490–495, DOI:10.1016/j.carbon.2016.04.074.
34. Corbella C. et al. Tracking Nanoparticle Growth in Pulsed Carbon Arc Discharge. – Journal of Applied Physics, 2020, vol. 127(24), DOI:10.1063/5.0011283.
35. Ng J., Raitses Y. Self-Organisation Processes in the Carbon Arc for Nanosynthesis. – Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, vol. 117(6), DOI:10.1063/1.4906784.
36. Pak A. et al. Cubic SiC Nanowire Synthesis by DC Arc Discharge under Ambient Air Conditions. – Surface and Coatings Technology, 2020, vol. 387, DOI:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.125554.
37. Zhou J. et al. Simple Synthesis of Ultrafine Amorphous Silicon Carbide Nanoparticles by Atmospheric Plasmas. – Materials Letters, 2021, vol. 299, DOI:10.1016/j.matlet.2021.130072
The research was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation project
No. 23-79-01145,