The Electrotechnologies of Producing Aluminum and Its Alloys in Russia

  • Pavel A. BUTYRIN
  • Viktor N. TIMOFEEV
Keywords: electrotechnologies in metallurgy, rotary mixers, MHD mixers, electric heating systems


A brief history of aluminum production on a commercial scale is given. It is emphasized that hydroelectric power plants in Eastern Siberia contributed to the construction of powerful aluminum smelters in this region. Attention is focused on the use of electrical technologies in the smelting and foundry production of aluminum alloys. The main design institutes and manufacturers of equipment for foundries of aluminum smelters are noted, and the role of the Scientific and Production Center (SPC) of Magnetic Hydrodynamics in equipping Russian plants with rotary mixers, MHD mixers and electric heating systems is pointed out. Examples of mutually beneficial cooperation with the world's leading equipment suppliers are given. Matters concerned with personnel training for this industry are discussed, and the importance of interaction between the university departments and enterprises in setting up the educational program is emphasized. Much attention is paid to the role of science in the development of electrical technologies and equipment. The article shows how fundamental and applied research contributed to the emergence of a new electrical technology for producing cast billets with unique physical and mechanical properties. In conclusion, information is provided about the SPC of Magnetic Hydrodynamics as the developer and supplier of electrotechnological equipment for metallurgical purposes and about the commissioning of a new plant in Krasnoyarsk in September 2023. The article is structured in the form of answers from V.N. Timofeev, Director of SPC Magnetic Hydrodynamics LLC to questions from P.A. Butyrin, Editor-in-Chief of the Elektrichestvo (Electrical Technology) journal.

Author Biographies


(National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", Moscow, Russia) – Professor of the Theoretical Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Dept., Corresponding Member of RAS, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor.


(Siberian Federal University; LLC "NPC of Magnetic Hydrodynamics", Krasnoyarsk, Russia) – Professor of the Electrical Engineering Dept.; Director, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor.


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