Modeling the Technologies for Melting and Casting Light Alloys in an Electromagnetic Field
Scientific principles of the development of technologies for melting and casting aluminum and titanium-based alloys in an alternating electromagnetic field are considered. In the 21st century, innovative technologies for melting and casting light alloys in an alternating electromagnetic field can hardly be developed and implemented unless being supported with digital technologies, and methodology of digital twins and numerical models combining closely interconnected electromagnetic, thermodynamic, hydrodynamic and mechanical processes. A unique technology for continuously casting small-diameter round ingots into an electromagnetic crystallizer with the crystallizing metal surface directly cooled with water has been developed. By applying the newly developed technology it becomes possible to simultaneously achieve a number of unique effects that alter significantly the quality and properties of the resulting billets (reduction in the amount of undesirable impurities and inclusions in the metal structure, uniform distribution of phases and grains in the metal ingot structure, and uniform distribution of chemical elements and compounds in the metal matrix). The occurrence of a titanium alloy liquid phase inside the cylinder was predicted using a numerical model and confirmed by experimental studies. Owing to a unique combination of the titanium thermophysical properties with the action of an alternating electromagnetic field in an inductor, up to 90% of the total mass of a titanium cylindrical billet can be obtained in the liquid phase. Magnetohydrodynamic effects that come into picture after the start of melting play a special role in achieving this result.
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Part of the presented research was financially supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 22-19-00128 "Evolution of the structure of high-strength aluminum alloys of the Al-Zn-Mg (Ni, Fe, Ca) system obtained using electromagnetic casting technology", /)