A Two-Transformer Substation with a Common Dual-Band Controlled Voltage Regulator

  • Bekhruz D. TABAROV
  • Vyacheslav A. SOLOV'YЕV
  • Valeriy I. IVANOV
Keywords: two-transformer substation, two-band controlled voltage regulator, pulse-phase control system, active-inductive load, continuous and accurate regulation


The article addresses matters related to improving the efficiency and reliability of power supply systems built on the basis of shop two-transformer substations. A mechanical voltage regulator of the OCTC type, which has known disadvantages, is a weak link in the transformers of such substations. It is proposed to install a common dual-band controlled voltage regulator before the primary windings of transformers, implemented on the basis of reactor-thyristor controlled switches. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed solution, a number of numerical experiments were carried out in stationary and dynamic operation modes of the electrical network and shop transformers of the substation. A simulation model of a two-transformer substation with 1000 kV•A, 6/0.4 kV transformers with one common dual-band reactor-thyristor controlled voltage regulator was developed for the study. By using the developed MATLAB model, it is possible to carry out studies with simulating a decrease in the power supply voltage and fluctuations of the active-inductive load current. The results obtained have confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed technical solution. The use of a dual-band reactor-thyristor controlled regulator makes it possible to perform smooth and accurate voltage regulation, thereby improving the power supply system reliability and the quality indicators of electricity supplied to the consumer.

Author Biographies

Bekhruz D. TABAROV

(Komsomolsk-on-Amur State University, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia) – Docent of the Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Installations Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.).

Vyacheslav A. SOLOV'YЕV

(Komsomolsk-on-Amur State University, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia) –Professor of the Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Installations Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor.

Valeriy I. IVANOV

(Far Eastern State University of Railway Engineering, Khabarovsk, Russia) – Professor of the Physics and Theoretical Mechanics Dept., Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor.


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The study was financially supported by the Grant Council of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists - Candidates of Sciences (grant No. MK-3799.2022.4)