A Nonlocal Model of Droplet Flow Electrification under the Effect of Outer Space Factors
Construction of powerful power installations for space applications inevitably entails the need to solve the problem of removing low-grade heat from the spacecraft. The drawback of panel radiator refrigerators, which are conventionally used for this purpose, is a rapid growth of their surface area and mass with increasing the power level; in addition, they become more vulnerable to micrometeorites. The problem can be solved by using a liquid droplet radiator, in which a heated flow of droplets serves as a radiating surface. Coolant droplets are produced by a droplet generator, cooled due to radiation as they freely propagate in space, and a droplet catcher collects the cooled down flow. Under the influence of outer space factors, the flow of droplets is electrified, as a result of which their motion trajectories are curved. The droplet sheet electrification regularities are considered. A nonlocal electrification model has been developed, which takes into account the effect of charge utilization when collecting a droplet flow. The influence of the droplet flow geometry on the droplet electrification and expansion under the effect of electrostatic forces is studied. The influence of synergetic effects relating to the interaction of droplet flow with outer space factors is substantiated.
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