Transmission Capacity of Long-Distance Power Lines Equipped with Shunt Compensation Devices

  • Konstantin E. KOSHEVOY
Keywords: long-distance power line, shunt compensation, series capacitive compensation, transmission capacity, steady state stability, voltage distribution, no load operation conditions, maximum power transmission operation conditions


The article discusses a methodology for substantiating the transmission capacity of a long-distance power line equipped with shunt compensation devices. It has been determined that the transmission capacity of a long-distance power line is only limited by a condition of maintaining the standardized static stability margin, whereas the distribution of voltages along the line turns out to be permissible in all modes. The article considers power line versions with a double-circuit line and with a single-circuit line equipped with a shunt compensation device, both having the same transmission capacity. The transmission capacity substantiation is illustrated on the example of a 500 kV long-distance power line with a length of 1000 km. The version with the required capacity equal to 1470 MW involves the need to install two shunt compensation devices in the line middle part. A technical and economic comparison is carried for the versions of a double-circuit line, a single-circuit line equipped with two series capacitive compensation devices, and a single-circuit line equipped with two shunt compensation devices, each having the same transmission capacity. The comparative analysis results have shown that the version with shunt compensation devices is more economically efficient than the version involving the use of series capacitive compensation, the investments and reduced costs for which are almost a factor of 1.5 higher than those for the former.

Author Biographies

Konstantin E. KOSHEVOY

(Branch of the JSC «System Operator of the United Power System» "Regional Dispatching Department of the Energy System of the Tyumen Region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug" (Tyumen RD), Surgut; Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia) – Dispatcher of the Operational Dept. of the Operational Dispatch Service; Postgraduate Student of the Power Engineering Dept.


(Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia) – Professor of the Power Engineering Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Docent.


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