Lessons from the History and Prospects for the Development of Electric Power Transmission

  • Vladislav V. VOROTNITSKIY
Keywords: electrical engineering, electric power industry, transmission, distribution of electricity, direct current, alternating current, engineering, technology, history, technological development


The article addresses the important topic of the need to use the experience and lessons drawn from the world and national history of electrical engineering in ensuring accelerated technological development of Russia. The history of electrical engineering began almost 200 years ago and has gone through a difficult path from the first low-current telegraph lines to modern powerful national grids and interstate power pools. The optimal solutions for electricity transmission over long distances from power plants to consumers were born in the course of scientific and technical disputes, competition and international cooperation. The historical lessons show that Russian scientists and engineers have long been and remain among the world’s leaders in electrical engineering, and that the development of the electric power industry is a continuous evolutionary process. Knowledge of the key stages of this development, the study of the experience of outstanding scientists, inventors and technological entrepreneurs is among the most important components of successful creative engineering activities today and in the foreseeable future. The article provides a brief analysis of the history of transmission and distribution of electricity in the 19th century, including the ongoing debate between supporters and opponents of direct and alternating current. The current trends and prospects for the development of electric networks in the world and Russia are considered. It is shown that the solution of new challenges faced by electrical engineers should be based not only on these trends, prospects and new developments, but also on the knowledge and experience of their predecessors. For the practical use of this experience and introduction of new technologies, an approach is proposed, which involves step-by-step training, advanced training, and attraction of talented and active youth to the Russian electric power industry through studying its history, new management methods, and setting up modern training courses and laboratories.

Author Biographies


(JSC "Scientific and Technical Center of Rosseti FGC UES», Moscow, Russia) – Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor.


(Tavrida Electric LLC, Moscow, Russia) – Deputy General Director.


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From the history of electrical engineering