Short-Term and Long-Term Electrical Strength of MV Fire-Resistant Cables

  • Dmitriy A. GUK
  • Mikhail K. KAMENSKIY
  • Vitaliy G. MESHCHANOV
  • Mikhail Yu. SHUVALOV
Keywords: fire-resistant medium voltage cable, mica tapes, cross-linked polyethylene, ethylene propylene rubber, partial discharges, life curve, aging, thermal stability


The insulation of fire–resistant medium voltage cables contains a layer made of mica tape and a layer of extruded dielectric, which may be cross-linked polyethylene or ethylene propylene rubber. The former is subject to electrical aging under the effect of partial discharges, and the latter to thermal aging. The article presents data on the short-term electrical strength of cables containing mica tapes of different thicknesses, the life curves of mica materials and cable layouts, as well as the results of tests carried out on the full-scale samples of cables developed by the authors for resistance to electrical, thermal and combined electrothermal aging. The thermal stability of a medium-voltage fire-resistant cable at the end of a one-year combined aging cycle has been analyzed. It is shown that the "residual" thermal stability margin is very significant.

Author Biographies

Dmitriy A. GUK

(JSC "All-Russian Scientific, Design, Development and Research Institute of Technology for Cable Industry", Moscow, Russia) ‒ Head of the High-Voltage Test Center of the Cables and Wires for Energy Purposes Dept.


(JSC "All-Russian Scientific, Design, Development and Research Institute of Technology for Cable Industry", Moscow, Russia), Moscow, Russia) ‒ Chief Researcher of the Cables and Wires for Energy Purposes Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.).


(JSC "All-Russian Scientific, Design, Development and Research Institute of Technology for Cable Industry", Moscow, Russia) ‒ General Director.

Mikhail Yu. SHUVALOV

(JSC "All-Russian Scientific, Design, Development and Research Institute of Technology for Cable Industry", Moscow, Russia) ‒ Head of the Cables and Wires for Energy Purposes Dept., Director for Research Area, Dr. Sci. (Eng.).


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