Investigation of the Tomsk Region Power System Uniting Options

  • Ruslan A. UFA
  • Evgeny B GAVRILOV
  • Ol’ga V. SUSLOVA
  • Vladimir Ye. RUDNIK
  • Alexeу P. MAL’TSEV
Keywords: power system, back-to-back HVDC link, parallel operation, analysis, modeling


The article analyzes possible means for switching the Tomsk electric power system northern and southern parts for parallel operation. This system has the operational separation over the 220 kV power line, which connects the 500 kV Tomsk substation with the Nizhnevartovsk district power plant. With these parts switched for parallel operation, it will be possible to achieve an enhanced level of operational reliability and more efficient power supply, especially in the course of making routine switching operations without the need to disconnect the consumers. This will also make it possible to secure more flexible and stable operation of the power system and to decrease power losses. In view of these considerations, it is important to analyze the possibility of using various means, with applying the synchronism monitoring function, which implies closing of the circuit breaker by synchronization or waiting for synchronism, or using a more advanced system like a back-to-back HVDC link. To this end, the ranges of voltage vector deviation angles between the united substation buses were determined, as well as limiting switching angles at different substations of this 220 kVpower transmission, at which steady-state and transient stability will not be lost. The article presents the results of modeling the operations for switching the power system parts for parallel operation by means of a back-to-back HVDC link. Simulation of the processes triggered in the considered 220 kV power transmission by a short-circuit fault shows the effectiveness of using this device for solving the stated problem. The requirements for determining the back-to-back HVDC link power capacity are specified, and the optimal places for installing it in the considered power transmission line are defined.

Author Biographies

Ruslan A. UFA

UFA Ruslan A. (Tomsk Polytechnic University —TPU, Tomsk, Russia) — Senior Lecturer


GAVRILOV Evgeny B. (JSC «Incorporated Controllers management of Siberia» — Leading specialist Kemerovo, Russia)


SUSLOVA Ol’ga V. (High Voltage Direct Current Power Transmission Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia) — Leading researcher

Vladimir Ye. RUDNIK

RUDNIK Vladimir Ye. (TPU, Tomsk, Russia) — Master’s degree

Alexeу P. MAL’TSEV

MAL’TSEV Alexeу P. (TPU, Tomsk, Russia) — Master’s degree


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