Hybrid Broadband Power Filters for Variable Frequency Drive Systems

  • Valeriy P. DOVGUN
  • Denis E. EGOROV
  • Nataliya P. BOYARSKAYA
  • Evgeniy V. BLINOV
Keywords: variable frequency electric drive, noncharacteristic harmonic components, interharmonics, hybrid broadband filters


Variable frequency drive (VFD) systems account for a significant part of the nonlinear loads powered by the electric networks of modern industrial enterprises. Mass-scale use of VFD systems entails a growing level of higher harmonic components of voltage and current generated into the external grid. The level and spectrum of higher harmonic components depend on the drive operation mode. To limit the level of higher harmonic components, combined harmonic filtering and reactive power compensating (HFRPC) devices have to be used, which serve not only to attenuate harmonic distortions, but also to damp resonance operation modes able to amplify individual harmonic components. The article presents new configurations of hybrid compensating devices comprising a parallel active filter and a passive broadband filter in the form of a singly terminated reactive four-pole. Requirements for the passive filter structure and parameters are defined to ensure attenuation of a wide spectrum of harmonic components and damping of resonance phenomena in the grid. A procedure for designing hybrid HFRPC devices based on using the passive circuit synthesis theory and multi-criteria optimization methods is considered. By using the proposed procedure, wideband HFRPC devices of the 4–6th order are designed. By increasing the passive filter order, it becomes possible to decrease the capacity of the compensating device active part. The compensating characteristics of the proposed hybrid HFRPC devices were analyzed, and it has been shown from the analysis results that they decrease the distortion levels of currents and voltages in a wide band encompassing the frequencies of characteristic and non-characteristic harmonic components. The use of a small-capacity active filter as part of an HFRPC device helps efficiently damp resonance phenomena in the grid.

Author Biographies

Valeriy P. DOVGUN

(Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) – Professor of the Automation, Automated Control and Design Systems Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor.


(Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) – Docent of the Automation, Automated Control and Design Systems Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.).


Krasnoyarsk State Agricultural University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) – Docent of the Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Docent.

Evgeniy V. BLINOV

(LLC Polyus Project, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) – Head of the Electrical Engineering Dept.


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