Simulating the Operation Modes of a Wind Farm with a Three-Phase Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generator

  • Venanciyu Liambesi SATCHILEMBE
  • Vladimir Ya. FROLOV
  • Aleksey I. TADZHIBAEV
Keywords: wind farm, synchronous generator, permanent magnets, wind velocity, electrical losses


The article discusses the general concept of simulating a wind farm with the transition from a single model to a planned powerful wind farm with parallel operation of wind turbines. The results obtained from analyzing the simulation of the operation modes of the 2.5 MW L100 wind turbine equipped with a three-phase synchronous permanent magnet generator and a set of equipment manufactured in Russia are presented. The analysis was carried out taking into account variations in the velocity of wind acting on the wind wheel blades controlled by adjusting the blade angle and is based on the wind farm simulation model developed in the Matlab/Simulink software package. The algorithm of "tracking the maximum power point" by power converters of the "back-to-back" type was used, which showed the possibility of efficient control of wind turbines by controlling the generator speed. The analysis of the wind turbine operation modes has confirmed high dynamic characteristics of the vector control method, due to which the generator can quickly respond to changes in the wind velocity. The necessity to install a filter at the converter output on the electrical network side to ensure the required electric power output quality is substantiated.

Author Biographies

Venanciyu Liambesi SATCHILEMBE

(Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia; Prodel-EP State Electrotechnical Company, Luanda, Angola) – Postgraduate Student of the Higher School of Electric Power Systems; Engineer.

Vladimir Ya. FROLOV

(Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Professor of the Higher School of Electric Power Systems, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor.


(Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Professor of the Higher School of Electric Power Systems, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor.


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The work was carried out within the framework of research activities conducted under the state assignment of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (the topic FSEG 2023-0012)