Determining the Dependence of the Electricity Storage System Parameters on the Electrical Load Schedule Leveling Degree

  • Ivan S. TOKAREV
  • Yaroslav E. SHKLYARSKIY
  • Tamara V. PUDKOVA
  • Aleksandr N. NAZARYCHEV
Keywords: energy storage system, levelized cost of energy storage, energy intensity, electrical load schedule, gas industry


The use of energy storage systems (ESS) is of issue for consumers connected to a centralized power system as well as for those having decentralized power supply. This, however, entails a need to solve a lot of problems related to integration of these devices into power supply systems, in particular, selecting and performing a feasibility study of ESS installation, determining the ESS installation sites, developing algorithms for the automatic operation of electrical complexes with ESS, etc. The article is a continuation of the previous studies of the authors in the field of ensuring uninterrupted operation of systems supplying power to fuel and energy complex enterprises. The article addresses matters related to the calculation of the main technical and economic parameters of these devices, as well as a study of variables affecting the value of the levelized cost of electricity storage, which allows one to draw an unequivocal conclusion, without cumbersome economic calculations, whether or not it is advisable to use ESS. Generalized information on the development of methods for calculating the levelized cost indicator is presented. For the first time, dependencies have been established between the electrical load schedule indicators and the electricity storage system parameters that affect the final economic effect. The calculations were carried out using the example of data on the electricity consumption at a compressor station, a gas industry’s operating facility. A conclusion has been drawn about the need to adapt the indicator considered when determining the ESS parameters for use in various industries.

Author Biographies


(PJSC “Gazprom”, Saint-Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Deputy Head of the Dept., Senior lecturer of the General Electrical Engineering Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.).


(Saint-Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Head of the General Electrical Engineering Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor.


(Saint-Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Associate Professor of the General Electrical Engineering Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.).


(Saint-Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Professor of the Electric Power Engineering and Electromechanics Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor.


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