Electric Network Performance Assessment Methodology Using Fuzzy Logic
The article discusses a methodology for assessing the performane of electrical networks using fuzzy logic, which makes it possible to take into account parameter uncertainties and achieve better accuracy of the analysis. The main focus is placed on the key factors: electric power quality, power supply reliability, and electric energy loss. Membership functions and control algorithms based on the Mamdani method have been developed for each factor. The article presents the results of experimental studies conducted under real conditions at the facilities of the Ferghana district (Ferghana region), which have confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The methodology helps optimize the operation of distribution networks, minimize electric power loss and improve the overall performance of the system. The results obtained demonstrate the possibility of using fuzzy logic to automate the control process of distribution electric networks. The prospects of integrating the proposed methodology with the latest technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) are discussed, which opens additional opportunities for development of intelligent power supply management systems. The proposed approach facilitates the transition from planned to predictive maintenance, which makes it possible to ensure the rational use of resources and improve the electric power supply reliability.
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