Megawatt-Range Electrical Generators for Wind Power: State of the Art and Development Trends

  • Viktor N. ANTIPOV
  • Andrei D. GROZOV
  • Anna V. IVАNOVA
Keywords: synchronous generator, doublyfed asynchronous generator, permanent magnets, superconductivity, gearless drive, wind turbine


The modern designs and development trends of electrical generators for wind turbines used in continental and offshore windmill farms are analyzed. Three types of generators for high-speed, low-speed, and gearless drives applied in the megawatt range of capacities are considered. The necessary electromagnetic loads of the generators and the change of their main sizes as a function of power capacity are determined. The trend toward using gearless permanent magnet synchronous generators for capacities up to 8 MW is pointed out. Synchronous generators with both radial magnetization and other versions (with an axial flux, without ferromagnetic cores, etc.) are considered. For capacities of 10 MW and higher, the wind turbine mass can be decreased essentially by using a superconducting generator. However, due to the cost of superconductor, the commercially profitable version has not unequivocally been determined. Different projects (with “warm” and “cold” superconductivity), as well as versions involving the use of both fully superconducting generators and generators containing only a superconducting excitation system are considered.

Author Biographies


ANTIPOV Viktor N. (Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Institute of Silicate Chemistry (ISCh), St. Petersburg, Russia) – Leading scientist, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)

Andrei D. GROZOV

GROZOV Andrei D. (RAS ISCh, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Scientist


IVАNOVA Anna V. (RAS ISCh, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Senior Scientist, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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