An Analytical Method for Calculating the Parameters of a Superconducting Electrical Machine with a Ferromagnetic Core

  • Konstantin L. KOVALEV
  • Nikolay S. IVANOV
  • Yekaterina Ye. TULINOVA
  • Vladimir A. KADEROV
Keywords: electrical machine, high-temperature superconducting winding, ferromagnetic core, main parameters, specific power capacity, calculation procedure


Electrical machines in which the superconductivity effect is used can find wide applications owing to the possibility of making them with high specific power capacity, a feature that is of special importance for mobile systems. Works on development of high-temperature superconducting (HTSC) electrical machines with immobile and rotating HTSC windings, unipolar machines, and fully superconducting machines are known [1, 2, 3]. Investigations show that ferromagnetic materials must be used in the machine composition to obtain a high volumetric power value [4]. However, only limited information about fully superconducting machines equipped with ferromagnetic rotor and stator yokes and rotor poles is encountered in the literature. The article considers a salient-pole electrical machine with HTSC windings on the stator and rotor, and with a ferromagnetic core. A procedure for calculating the machine’s main parameters is presented. The procedure involves an approach, according to which the armature winding inductive parameters are determined by solving a field problem with distributed parameters, and the main magnetic flux is determined according to the classical methodology of magnetic circuits. By using this approach, it is possible to take into account the anisotropy of the rotor magnetic properties along the d and q axes, the HTSC tape critical parameters, active zone geometry, and other parameters of the machine.

Author Biographies

Konstantin L. KOVALEV

KOVALEV Konstantin L. (National Research University «Moscow Aviation Institute» — NRU «MAI»,
Moscow, Russia) – Professor, Head of the Department, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)

Nikolay S. IVANOV

IVANOV Nikolay S. (NRU «MAI», Moscow, Russia) – Senior Scientist, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)

Yekaterina Ye. TULINOVA

TULINOVA Yekaterina Ye. (NRU «MAI», Moscow, Russia) – Younger Scientist, Ph.D. Student

Vladimir A. KADEROV

KADEROV Vladimir A. (NRU «МAI», Moscow, Russia) – Ingineer, Master’s degree


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