For authors

The Elektrichestvo journal’s Editorial Office accepts for consideration with a view of possible publishing the manuscripts of original papers, which have not been previously published in other editions, in Russian (or in English from foreign authors) that contain the results of theoretical and experimental investigations on topics relating to the disciplines according to the List of Reviewed Scientific Publications adopted by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles (SCADT) :

05.09.01 – Electromechanics and Electrical Apparatuses (technical sciences),

05.09.02 – Electrotechnical Materials and Products (technical sciences),

05.09.03 – Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems (technical sciences),

05.09.05 – Theoretical Electrical Engineering (technical sciences),

05.09.10 – Electrical Technology (technical sciences),

05.09.12 – Power Electronics (technical sciences),

05.14.01 – Power Systems and Complexes (technical sciences),

05.14.02 – Power Plants and Electric Power Systems (technical sciences),

05.14.08 – Power Installations Using Renewable Kinds of Energy (technical sciences),

05.14.12 – High-Voltage Engineering (technical sciences),

The Editorial Office will not consider paper manuscripts prepared with deviations from the requirements set out below.

Papers for considering their possible publishing should be sent on

At the manuscript submission stage, the authors fill in Letter of guaranteeconfirming that the ethics principles are observed, and that there is no conflict of interests among the paper authors (прикрепить файл гарантийное письмо)

Papers from Russian Federation citizens shall come with an expert's opinion, which can be presented in printed out form and sent by mail or in electronic (scanned) form.

Rules for the design of manuscripts

1. The material of the article should be presented in a strict and at the same time understandable form for a wide range of researchers and engineers. In particular, it is necessary to explain all the little-known terms and concepts. It must be remembered that the reader is primarily interested in the physical meaning of the phenomena under consideration.

If the article presents new solutions to scientific and technical problems, then their technical and economic advantages in comparison with the known ones should be shown. When presenting new research methods, it is necessary to give them a comparative assessment (in relation to the known methods) in terms of their simplicity and time consumption.

Authors of scientific articles are recommended to adhere to the IMRaD structure.

The sequence of the material presentation:

  • abstract (a summary of the work with an indication of the purpose, objectives, scientific novelty, the results obtained and the scope of their application);
  • key words;
  • introduction (a summary of the state of the issue under consideration and the formulation of the problem to be solved in the article);
  • the method of solving the problem and the assumptions made;
  • the main content is the physical essence, initial and final mathematical expressions, experiments and calculations, examples, illustrations;
  • conclusions and recommendations;
  • references.

2. When writing an article, authors are advised to avoid cumbersome mathematical apparatus.

3. The references is compiled in the order of the sequence of references in the text, and the following are indicated:

  • for journal articles – the surname and initials of the author (s), the title of the article, the name of the journal or collection, the year of publication, volume, number, pages of the beginning and end of the article;
  • for books – the last name and initials of the author (s), the title of the book, the city, the publisher, the year of publication, the full number of pages in the book.

The list of references should contain at least 20 positions, and the number of references to the author's own publications should not exceed 20% of the cited sources.

The list of references should not include unpublished or inaccessible to a wide range of reader.

4. At the end of the article, information about its authors should be indicated:

  • Last name, First Name;
  • academic degree;
  • current place of work (city, organization, department) and current position;
  • e-mail.

5. The title of the article, the abstract (at least 150 words) and the keywords should be given in English and Russian.

6. The text of the article is typed in any version of Microsoft Word. Images can be represented in any raster or vector graphics format (for example, tif, cdr, jpg, etc. with a resolution of at least 300 dpi).

7. Formulas must be typed in the Math Type program (version 4.0 and higher) or in the Microsoft Equation program, which is part of Microsoft office. Exponents and indexes must be typed above or below the string of letters to which they belong: R8, A3, B5. Character typeface: Greek: w (straight); Latin: A, B, a, b (italic); vectors: A, B (straight, bold).

8. All abbreviations should be deciphered at the first mention in the article.

9. At the stage of submission of the manuscript, the authors fill out a letter of guarantee, in which they confirm compliance with ethical principles, including the absence of a conflict of interest between the authors of the article.