
All scientific papers arrived to the Elektrichestvo journal pass mandatory reviewing.

  1. The articles are reviewed by the Editorial Board members and also by invited reviewers who are leading specialists in the field of power engineering and electrical engineering in Russia and other countries. The decision of choosing a reviewer for examining a paper is made by the Editor-in-Chief or the Chairman of the Editorial Board topic section.
  2. Each reviewer has the right to refuse from reviewing if there is an obvious conflict of interests affecting the perceiving and interpreting of the manuscript materials. Based on reviewing results, the reviewer gives recommendations on the further activities for the paper (the reviewer shall substantiate each of his or her decisions):

            the paper is recommended to be published as it is;

            the paper is recommended to be published after its amendment in regard of the drawbacks mentioned by the reviewer;

            the paper needs to be additionally reviewed by another expert;

            the article cannot be published in the journal.

  3. If the review contains recommendations for amending the paper, the Editorial Office sends the review text to the author with a request to consider them in preparing a new paper version or deny them (fully or partially) with a relevant substantiation. The paper amended by the authors is submitted to the Editorial Office for repeated consideration.
  4. If the authors refuse to amend the paper materials, they should inform the Editorial Office in writing or orally about their refusal to publish the paper.
  5. If unresolvable contradictions arose between the author and reviewers regarding the manuscript, the Editorial Board is entitled to send the manuscript for additional reviewing. In conflict situations, the decision is made by the Editor-in-Chief at the Editorial Board meeting.
  6. The decision about refusing to publish a manuscript is made at the meeting of the Editorial Board topical section based on the recommendations of reviewers. The message about refusal of publishing is sent to the author.
  7. A positive review does not serve as sufficient grounds for publishing a paper. The final decision about publishing is made by the Editorial Office in approving the journal issue for printing.