Current Issue

No 6 (2024): Issue № 6
Published: 2024-06-17


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A reviewed theoretical and scientific-practical journal.

The Elektrichestvo journal was founded in 1880 by outstanding Russian electrical engineers united in the VI (Electrical) Department of the Russian Imperial Engineering Society. In the journal’s publishing history, there were two interruptions (from 1918 to 1921 and from 1941 to 1943).

In the first issue of the journal, which was published in July 1880, its aims and objectives were determined: “... development of various matters concerned with electrical engineering and dissemination of necessary information both on the theory of electricity and on its application in science and community .... The journal is intended ... to give information about all newest inventions in this field in Russia and abroad ..., to keep track of the electrical literature and provide reports about the most important works ...”.

The topics addressed in the journal changed depending on the development of electrical engineering and electric power engineering, and on the advent of new scientific lines in these fields, and in accordance with the problems faced by science and technology at different stages of the country history.

It should be pointed out that before the 1930s, the time in which a lot of scientific-technical and industrial journals began to be published, including those on thermal engineering, radio engineering, on the emerging TV engineering, and others, the Elektrichestvo journal gradually stopped publishing papers on these problems, giving preference to power engineering and electrical engineering.

But even after that the scope of topics addressed in the journal remained very wide. At present, the topics covered by the journal correspond to the list of disciplines adopted by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles (SCADT).

The Elektrichestvo journal has been included in the List of Reviewed Scientific Publications publishing the main scientific results of dissertations in support of the degrees of Candidate of Technical Sciences and Doctor of Technical Sciences.

According to the List of Reviewed Scientific Publications adopted by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles (SCADT), the journal publishes materials that have received a positive conclusion from their reviews by the scientific worker discipline groups in accordance with the following List of Disciplines:

05.09.01 – Electromechanics and Electrical Apparatuses (technical sciences),

05.09.02 – Electrotechnical Materials and Products (technical sciences),

05.09.03 – Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems (technical sciences),

05.09.05 – Theoretical Electrical Engineering (technical sciences),

05.09.10 – Electrical Technology (technical sciences),

05.09.12 – Power Electronics (technical sciences),

05.14.01 – Power Systems and Complexes (technical sciences),

05.14.02 – Power Plants and Electric Power Systems (technical sciences),

05.14.08 – Power Installations Using Renewable Kinds of Energy (technical sciences),

05.14.12 – High-Voltage Engineering (technical sciences),

The journal’s scope of topics also has a place for publishing historical materials devoted to anniversaries of significant events in electrical engineering, to outstanding Russian and foreign scientists, engineers, and businessmen who made an important contribution in the electrical engineering in Russia and around the world.

The Editor-in-Chief: Pavel Anfimovich BUTURIN, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute’s Chair for Theoretical Principles of Electrical Engineering (ссылка на страницу Бутырина).

Since July 1, 2016, the journal’s publisher is the Federal State-Funded Higher Education Institution National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute.

The journal is published once a month and is distributed by subscription.

The subscription index in the joint catalogue Pressa Rossii is 71106.

The papers in the Elektrichestvo journal are published on a free of charge basis. In reprinting and using the materials published in the journal, references shall be made to the journal and authors of the papers.

Full texts of journal papers are presented on the platform of the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU

Editorial Office mail address: Krasnokazarmennaya 14, Moscow, 111250 Russia, NRU MPEI, Editorial Office of the Elektrichestvo journal.

Editorial Office phone (495) 362–74–85.;

Editorial Office Location: Chair for Theoretical Principles of Electrical Engineering (TOE), block З (Z), ground floor, rooms З-114 and З-116.