Simulating a Strong Magnetic Storm Impact on Russia’s Interconnected Power System of Center
Studying of a negative impact of the space weather and magnetic storms as its special case, on the performance of a critical technological infrastructure, with development of methods and means for protecting it is a relevant but difficult task. Many advanced countries, primarily the United States, are dealing with this problem. The article presents the results of elaborating a methodology for computational simulation of the impact of geomagnetically induced currents on large electric power systems. The developed methodology makes it possible to take into account the influence of changes in the reactive power and temperature of power transformer structural elements caused by magnetic biasing of their core, as well as the operation of relay protection. The impact of the geomagnetically induced currents expected during a strong magnetic storm on Russia’s Interconnected Power System of Center, including the power systems of Moscow, Leningrad and other major administrative and industrial regions of the country has been simulated for the first time. It is shown that such impact gives rise to a set of factors that can cause the development of a system-wide accident: a significant decrease in voltage at a number of power system facilities, mass-scale disconnection of power lines by their relay protections, and unacceptable heating of structural elements of some power transformers.
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