Analysis of Specific Electrical Loads of Cottage Settlements
During the construction of cottage settlements, significant costs are incurred for external and internal power supply systems. At the same time, regulatory data on the specific electrical loads of individual housing construction facilities are either missing or do not have sufficient experimental justification. The article addresses the problem of developing scientifically grounded values of specific electrical loads in cottage settlements. For a number of cottage settlements in urban and rural areas of the Republic of Tatarstan, the power consumption by individual housing construction facilities in summer and winter periods has been studied. A statistical analysis of power consumption data has shown that 15% of the total number of cottages are characterized by atypical electrical loads of individual housing construction facilities and increase the design capacity, which must be taken into account in designing the power supply of such facilities. The average value of the maximum half-hour electrical load of 85% of cottages in settlements is an important characteristic to be used for specifying the loads of substations and the capacity of power transformers. It has been determined that the average electrical loads for individual housing construction facilities in rural areas are higher than in urban areas. By using the obtained curves of specific design electrical loads and load coincidence factors it is possible to develop a regulatory document for designing the electric networks of cottage settlements.
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