Calculating the Stoletov Curve of Ferromagnetic Material under Anhysteretic Magnetization from the Limiting Magnetic Hysteresis Loop Parameters
A formula has been developed using which it is possible to construct the dependence of the magnetic susceptibility χ on the magnetic field strength H in a ferromagnetic material under hysteresis-free magnetization and analyze it in different H variation ranges for any materials, the results of measuring the coercive force Hc, magnetization Ms at technical saturation, and residual magnetization Mr of which are given in the reference literature. Taking into account the inevitable measurement errors of the χ values at the experimental points on the Stoletov curve and measurement errors according to the standard methods used to calculate data on Hc, Mr and Ms of the material, the obtained result makes it possible to replace the time-consuming measurements of the Stoletov curves of materials with hysteresis-free magnetization by calculation using the developed formula. The application of the formula is illustrated by analyzing the effect the tempering temperature after quenching has on the Stoletov curves of steel 30 with hysteresis-free magnetization. The Stoletov curves of this steel obtained under switching and hysteresis-free magnetization are compared with each other. The calculated anhysteretic magnetization curve of steel 30 is compared with its measured maximum and initial magnetic susceptibilities. It has been shown from the comparison results that hysteresis-free magnetization increases the maximum magnetic susceptibility of steel by 3.25–9.35 times and increases its initial magnetic susceptibility by 1.13–2.04 orders of magnitude.
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